Enhancing English Listening Skill: Exploring Student Experience with Audio Visual Materials

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This research has objective to investigate the experiences of STIT Miftahul Midad students in using audiovisual materials as a learning tool in an effort to improve listening skills in teaching English. This research takes an in-depth qualitative case study approach to understand how students STIT Miftahul Midad respond, interact, and utilize audiovisual materials during English language learning.

Data was collected through in-depth interviews with students, classroom observations, and document analysis related to the use of audiovisual materials in English language learning. The results of this research reveal various aspects related to students' experiences, including the role of motivation in motivating them to be more active in honing their listening skills. The results of this research provide a deeper understanding of how students at STIT Miftahul Midad experience the use of audiovisual materials in improving their listening skills in learning English. The implications of this research may provide valuable insights for the development of more effective and beneficial teaching strategies in improving students' listening skills in similar educational environments. In conclusion, audiovisual materials have an important role in shaping students' English learning experiences at STIT Miftahul Midad.

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How to Cite
Yuswandari, K. D., & Alimah, D. (2024). Enhancing English Listening Skill: Exploring Student Experience with Audio Visual Materials. Mastery: Master of English Language Journal, 2(1), 122–130. Retrieved from https://ejournal.stitmiftahulmidad.ac.id/index.php/mastery/article/view/107


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