Journal of Community Service 2023-12-28T04:17:56+00:00 Choiron Firmansyah Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Community Service El-Midadi is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by Directorate of Community Services STIT Miftahul Midad. It is in the national level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to community services. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services.</p> <p>Journal of Community Service El-Midadi contains various activities from diverse groups of people in handling and managing the various potentials, obstacles, challenges and problems that exists in the society. Implementation of service activities also involve the participation of the community and partners. Service activities are organized into an activity aimed at improving the welfare of society.</p> PELATIHAN GURU DALAM MEMBUAT VIDEO PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF PADA KURIKULUM MERDEKA MELALUI APLIKASI KINEMASTER DI SD NU PADOMASAN 2023-08-07T06:28:33+00:00 elok 0207 <p>The implementation of the Independent Curriculum in Indonesia also provides flexibility and obligation for teachers to develop learning that is more applicable, creative, and innovative in making learning videos. In this case, creativity and mastery of technology are also needed so that teachers remain adaptive to digital developments. Through the Kinemaster application, teachers can develop their creativity and innovation in making interactive learning videos to make them interesting and easier to understand. However, in practice, teachers still find limitations in maximizing the use of technology, including the Kinemaster application in learning. So that training is needed according to the needs in making interactive learning videos through the use of the Kinemaster application. The target of dedication in this training activity is Teachers at SD NU, Padomasan District, Kab. Jember. The methods used in the implementation of community service activities are Lecture Methods, Demonstrations and Practicums. The target and result of this service is that teachers can maximize technology through the Kinemaster application in making learning videos.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Community Service Bimbingan belajar membaca al-qur’an dengan media audio bagi santri TPQ sumberejo kecamatan sukodono kabupaten lumajang 2022-10-09T13:16:49+00:00 Ummah Rohmatul Ummah <p><em>Community Service is one of the dharma chess activities as a form of lecturer professionalism. This PKM (Community Service) activity was carried out at TPQ Sumberejo, Sukodono District, Lumajang Regency. The main activities are improving reading, tajwid and makhorijul letters and adding Islamic values. In addition, they also provide training on the technique of memorizing short letters. This service activity is carried out based on the author's understanding of the concept that any learning should be fun. it is intended that students or students feel and not get bored during learning. It is this background that the implementation of community service tries to combine the concept of fun learning and audio media as a means to enhance religious learning at TPQ Sumberrejo. This service activity has a solution given to the TPQ manager to increase children's interest in learning to read the Qur'an. The implementation of community service activities takes place from February to April. activities in the form of direct teaching from STIT Miftahul Midad Lumajang students to TPQ Sumberejo students. The results of this activity that have been carried out can be concluded that: a) provide teacher assistance facilities to TPQ Sumberejo for a while, while later the assistant teacher is expected to continue teaching, b) foster children's interest in continuing to learn to read the Koran, c ) the use of audio media can improve the ability to read the Qur'an both from reading improvement, tajwid and makhorijul letters. Not only that, the use of audio media can also foster children's interest in learning so they don't get bored quickly.</em></p> <p> </p> 2022-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 El-Midadi Journal: Journal of Social Humanities GERAKAN LITERASI PADA PENGURUS BADAN EKSEKUTIF MAHASISWA SE-KABUPATEN LUMAJANG 2023-12-28T03:21:09+00:00 Diyah Mahmawati Mahmawati <p><em>Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini dilaksanakan di, Lumajang, Jawa Timur selama 3 Bulan. Fokus dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan Pengurus BEM se Kabupaten Lumajang&nbsp; dalam literasi khususnya menulis dan membaca. Hal ini didasarkan karena di era globalisasi seperti saat ini setiap individu dituntut untuk mempersiapkan sumber daya yang handal terutama di bidang literasi, dan &nbsp;peranan literasi sangat diperlukan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Literasi juga merupakan salah satu aspek sangat penting disamping pengetahuan lain seperti ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi informasi, pendidikan, politik, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Sehingga Mahasiswa perlu mengembangakan potensi diriya dalam hal literasi.. Pelaksana PkM ini adalah Dosen Prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris STIT Miftahul Midad Lumajang, dan melibatkan mahasiswa STIT Miftahul Midad serta seluruh pengurus BEM se-kabupaten Lumajang. Dalam kegiatan literasi, para mahasiswa dilatih untuk menguasai ketrampilan membaca dan menulis baik fiksi maupun non fiksi melalui pendekatan yang menyenangkan dan interaktif. Dalam hal ini kegiatan pelatihan menerapkan konsep know then write, dimana setelah mahasiswa tahu dari membaca referensi maka dia wajib menulis inspirasi yang diperoleh dari hasil membaca.. Kegiatan ini menjadi wadah yang bermanfaat bagi para mahasiswa dan Perpustakaan Daerah Lumajang Lumajang dalam meningkatkan keterampilan membaca dan menulis, serta mendapatkan respon yang positif dari partisipan.</em></p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Community Service PELAKSANAAN BIMBINGAN BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK DI RT025/RW004 DESA BABAKAN KECAMATAN PADANG KABUPATEN LUMAJANG 2023-09-27T07:31:02+00:00 Khusnul Khovia <p>Education both formally and informally is one thing that cannot be separated from life. One of the places where<br>you can get an education is at school. There are both public and private schools in every region in Indonesia.<br>Teachers serve as the main source of information and insight for students in schools. To provide these services,<br>tutoring is held for SD/MI students who live in RT25/RW4 Babakan Village. Observations showed that SD/MI<br>students in RT6/RW2 Babakan Village had difficulty understanding academic material. The fact that students<br>cannot perform the assigned tasks adequately is proof of this. This activity is carried out by accompanying<br>children in completing homework given by their teachers from school and in understanding information that is<br>difficult for other students at school. Each day's lessons are different depending on the theme to be covered in<br>class the following day. In accordance with the results of the Community Service Program which was carried out<br>to improve student learning outcomes in RT25/RW04 Babakan Village, this program was declared successful. It<br>is said so because the results obtained are in accordance with the expected goals. This is evidenced by increasing<br>student learning outcomes as evidenced by increased student report cards. Some students who usually don't get<br>rankings with this dedication get 1-3 ranks in school.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Community Service Pelatihan dan Try out TOEFL di Madrasah Aliyah Al Misri Curahmalang Rambipuji 2023-08-04T12:45:19+00:00 akhmad hidayat <p>Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat pelatihan dan Try Out TOEFL di MA Al Misri Curahmalang Rambipuji.<br>Peserta didik sasaran dalam kegiatan PKM ini adalah Peserta didik 12 IPA MA Al Misri Curahmalang<br>Rambipuji berjumlah 28 orang. Pelatihan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, demonstrasi, dan audio visual.<br>Metode ceramah digunakan untuk menjelaskan teori pembelajaran TOEFL. Metode demonstrasi dipakai untuk<br>menunjukkan proses kerja yaitu tahap-tahap pelaksanaan test. Metode audio visual digunakan untuk<br>pembelajaran listening. Ketersediaan tenaga ahli yang memadai dalam kegiatan PKM ini, antusiasme peserta,<br>dan dukungan Kepala Madrasah terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan membuat kegiatan ini berlangsung dengan<br>baik.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Community Service Empowering Teachers with Augmented Reality (AR) Tools to Enhance Students’ Writing Skills 2023-10-28T16:55:50+00:00 Angella Novitaningrum <p><em>The rapid development of technology has had a profound impact on learning and transforming the way of how to acquire knowledge</em><em>s</em><em> and skills. Enganging technology-based learning media </em><em>in</em><em>to classroom is necessary since learning media is one of the most important aspects that support success in </em><em>the </em><em>learning process. Augmented Reality (AR) is one of effective technology-based learning media</em><em>s</em><em>&nbsp; that can be applied to increase students’ interest and motivation</em><em> in learning activities</em><em>. However, there is a lack of school that adopt it as a learning media. Therefore, this Community Service aims to empower teachers with Augmented Reality (AR) tools to enhance students’</em> <em>writing skills. It involved training and mentoring on the use of AR in teaching and learning process. The findings showed that AR-based learning media is a practical, effective, and positively affected to the improvement of students</em><em>’ </em><em>writing abilities. In addition, it improve</em><em>s</em><em> teachers’</em> <em>digital literacy and optimize the use of digital media in learning.</em></p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Community Service